Thorium Alliance Welcomed by ARPAe!
Big Group of us went to the Department of Energy Mother Ship in Washington D.C.
( Thanks to donors who make that sort of trip possible )
We gave an hour long briefing on the MANY MANY uses of Thorium besides fuel.
Talked about Alloys, Medicine, Superconductors, Ceramics, Glass, Catalysts, & More . . .
We answered scores of Questions - Great insight and knowledge from the Staff
It is always gratifying how excited folks get when they hear the good news - we have the things that will save us - no magic needed - just courage and drive.
And we can have a future of abundance and prosperity - Solutions are right here Now.
Because of YOU members of T.E.A. - NOW the DoE ARPAe Staff know that too!
LinkedIn has been generating 20,000+ views a week !
We have had success with these short videos - we should have a better web presence
If you know a young person that wants to get great experience and huge freedom and responsibility for a whole Web strategy - send them our way.
We can pay , and we will say very pretty things about their great work to help them build their CV and recommend them up and down the Net - All the Stars!
Below is our latest example - thanks to volunteers who do all this posting and edits |