Greetings! AMERICA FIRST-OHIO’S PATRIOT COMMUNITY INVITES YOU AND Y0UR FAMILY TO PRAY and participate daily in focused prayer for President-elect Donald J. Trump, and his cabinet choices.
ALSO FOR CONGRESS as it enacts LAME-DUCK LEGISLATION between now and January 6, 2025 … AND the CERTIFICATION of our November 5, 2024 U.S. Election AND FINALLY the January 20, 2025 INAUGURATION DAY of President Donald J. Trump.
WE WANT BIG, ENORMOUS RESULTS DURING THIS SMALL, HAND-FULL OF DAYS! So we invite your prayers and faithful, daily diligence for OUR WORLD-CHANGING hopes and dreams!
THIS NATION AND THE WORLD during these perilous times as war-mongers try to wrest a State of Peace and Abundance from its Citizens and hold them hostage to lives of slavery.
LEADERS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD to lead by example to their high-moral calling and DESIRE to guide their nations in ways of Truth and Righteousness as the World strives to live in Peace.
THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD to turn to God as they yearn for Revival in Christian morals and principles and that Reformation sweeps across nations everywhere.
A STRONG ECONOMIC BALANCE and strength that replaces man-created greed and chaos everywhere
AND ALL OTHERS May good health be seen in the lives of citizens throughout the world and that EACH FAMILY UNIT THRIVES.
METHODS OF EDUCATION WILL BE RESPECTFUL of each individual student and encouraging of the talents each student holds.
THE GOVERNMENT OF EACH NATION will follow hard after
JESUS to create World Peace and that each Nation will respect each other’s customs and governance.
ESPECIALLY, WE PRAY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS CABINET CHOICES, for their safety and health, for their mental balance, emotional strength and desire to stand strong in the face of evil. May this change of government administrations be PEACEFUL AND POWERFUL. Much has been torn apart - MUCH NEEDS TO BE HEALED AND REBUILT.
WE PRAY AS A CHRISTIAN NATION that the Power of ‘We the People’ in prayer and our vote is protect by God’s Almighty hand. We commit to stand strong with respect and continue to pray Our Nation into being the People God has chosen us to be.
FORGIVE US LORD, FOR THE WAYS WE HAVE BROKEN OUR COVENANT WITH YOU. We repent and turn to You for forgiveness and a new beginning.
AMEN, AMEN, AMEN! God is with us. Angels surround us. Jesus is our King.
WE DECREE THAT America is being revived and reformed by the power of Holy Spirit.
2 Resources for Your Daily Meditation and Prayer
(1). GIVE HIM 15:
Let’s Keep America Great and First for Our Families!
Hallie Minich-Lippert and Steve Lippert
(419) 512-0664