Synchronicities and other Reflections on our Jounney
As I go through my life I am greatly aware of the seeds that have been planted to move me further on my journey. It is often after the fact that I see the pattern and the things that have brought me to where I am today.
It was back in 2005 when Mary Magdalene and the Essenes eased into my life, quietly and without much fanfare. I was on an Abraham cruise and one of the men was reading Anna, Grandmother of Jesus. I was curious and asked what it was about. When he handed me the book I could feel a strong current of energy in my hands. I was near the beginning of my spiritual journey and this was an experience I could not explain. It felt important to get that book when I returned home. It was out of print at that time but I was determined. I found 3 copies in a book store in Oregon and soon I was immersed in the book. I wish I could say I instantly knew why I had been directed to that book but I was unaware of the significance that it would hold in my life.
Time went on - my life was focused in other areas and I soon forgot that original draw. However, the seed was planted and somehow Magdalene books began to nudge me further.
It was not until 2017, twelve years later that a friend suggested it would be important for me to read the Kathleen McGowen trilogy series "The Magdalene LIne. Little did I know that those three three books would put into motion a change in my life that would result in me letting go of leading pilgrimages in Spain on the Camino de Santiago and instead making a decision to lead Mary Magdalene Pilgrimages in France. The nature of these pilgrimages was far different from the walking pilgrimages I had been leading.
Instead there was a shift in focus to a much deeper connection to the Divine Feminine and an awareness that my journey was only just beginning. I had no idea at that point the significance of this deepening awareness of the historical mission of Mary Magdalene being the female counterpart of the Christ energy and the one who would take the teachings of Yeshua forward.
Today her energy is very powerful on the planet and many are waking up to the call. Some of those stepping up have been aware of their connection to her heart and mission for some time, while others are finding themselves drawn to the inevitable invitations that bring them into contact with others on a similar path.
For me it feels like "all hands on board" as the patriarchal control on the planet is intensifying. A common thought is the question "what is mine to do". Sometimes there is clarity and sometimes there is just a knowing that we have come here at this point in time for a reason. The reason will come as needed.
Many who are called into this energy have had past lives as Essenes and Cathars. On pilgrimage some experience a past life awareness that has previously been hidden. The deeper soul memory emerging once the familiarity of a specific location cracks the locked awareness of a life from another time.
I urge you to pay attention to that which brought you to this mailing list. Listen to the whispers of your heart that are calling you to something deeper in your life. Open to it not being what your logical mind is conjuring. Each of us has a piece of the puzzle. Not everyone has the same assignment. A key could be the phrase "what does love have to do with it".
Mary Magdalene during her journey surrendered to the guidance from the other side and to her innate knowing of her mission. She was the equal of Yeshua spiritually and well equiped for the next phase of the journey.
A wave of the divine feminine is here on the planet, moving us towards a humanity that truly embodies the respect for both the feminine and the masculine in a partnership that honors each aspect of our humanity. A good reference for this is Riane Eisler's classic work from 1995 in the "Chalice and the Blade". Her vision of the future potential of humanity almost 30 years ago speaks to the possibilities that are now ours to embody. While this time can feel like things are massively going in the wrong direction it is indeed the breaking down of the old paradigms that will allow the new to be created.
When we shift our focus away from fear and look at the wonderful ideas that are coming forth, we can take a breath and allow that there is a bigger plan that is being implemented. So much is happening that is energetic as we move to fifth dimensional energy. As the levels of intuition and connection to spirit increase, there is more awareness of the need for simpler lives, more connection to Mother Gaia and to living with deep respect and love for all who inhabit this beautiful world.
Pay attention to the synchronicities that are showing up in your life. You are being guided day by day to the people and things are are important for your path.
With much love, Ariana Rose