Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing - Advanced on 21 to 22 May 2019 at Pune
Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing - Advanced
Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing - Advanced
Date : 21 to 22 May, 2019
12/5, D1 Block, MIDC Chinchwad, Pune
Early Bird Offer :
Avail 10% concession by registering and paying online on or before 06 May 2019
• Definitions of Terms and Symbols, MMB,LMB,RMB,DRF, Rule#1 or Taylor principle
• Definition of datums', Selection of datums based on design / manufacturing / Inspection requirements
• Wooden/plastic prototypes: Part/assy prototypes used for effective training.
• Brief explanation five groups of tolerances and their hierarchy
• MMB,LMB, RMB and translation concepts
• Zero tolerance and application (straightness - axis, orientation and position)
• Virtual conditions, IB and OB calculations and applications
• Paper gauge concept, and Verification of positional tolerances
• Functional dimensioning and Functional gauge design
• Composite position and profile tolerances, PLTZF and FRTZF
• Floating and fixed fastener assy
• Axis controls by position, run out, concentricity and profile, case studies
• Verification of effect of datum modifiers / datum shift - using paper gauge
• Exercises throughout the work shop, over 25 nos
• Live Demo of Measuring GD&T parameters |
After undergoing the programme, the participants will be able to – 1. Distinguish between RFS, MMC and LMC conditions with practical applications
2. Do position verification: By calculation, paper gauge, functional gauge and CMM.
3. Apply new concepts, MMB,LMB,RMB and translation, and functional gauge design
4. Understand advanced concepts viz. Zero, composite position and profile tolerancing
5. Selection of axial controls position, run out, profile and concentricity, case studies
6. Gain a practical insight into inspection of GD&T features using conventional methods, co-ordinate Measuring Machine. |
Rs. 9500/-
Members / Micro Companies |
Rs. 10500/-
Non Members / Others |
+ 18% GST
Group Concession :
5% for 3 to 5 and 10% for 6 and more delegates being nominated from the same company
Special concession available for Faculty & Students from engineering colleges
(subject to availability of seats)
Participant Profile
This programme will benefit Middle/ Senior management members from functions of Product Design, Process Planning, Production, and Quality Assurance from Machine Tool, Automobile & auto ancillaries, Tool Rooms, Consumer Durables, Aerospace, Defence & Railway establishments, General Engineering industries and Engineering service providers.
Pre requisite: This will be an advanced level training programme. Basic Knowledge of Engineering Drawing, Limits/Fits/Tolerances and GD&T principles will be a pre requisite for this programme. Participants need to complete a precourse questionnaire upon applying for registration.
Participants are encouraged to bring their drawings / designs for discussion and problem solving.
This programme will be conducted by Mr. Srinivas B, Industry expert in Product design and development. Mr. Srinivas has more than 23 years of rich experience in Aerospace and Auto industries in leadership roles within India and international locations. He is GDTP Senior professional, certified by ASME. Had worked on several re-engineering projects in both product and tool design areas, which resulted in lower weights & costs, ease of manufacturing & assembly while maintaining design intent intact. He has thorough knowledge of various Quality Standards for enhancing the operational efficiency such as Six Sigma, ISO9001, TS16949, etc.., and is a Six Sigma green belt trained and certified by Cummins.
For Registration Contact
Contact Address
12/5, D-1 Block, MIDC, Chinchwad,
Tel: +91 - 8149045462 / 63
REGISTRATION : Prior registration for participation is necessary. Number of participants is limited and will be accepted on ‘First Come First Serve’ basis. A Certificate of participation will be issued to participants.
Important Information : Participation fee includes, course material, working lunch and tea / coffee. Interested companies are requested to register online by clicking on 'REGISTER' button and by filling up the nomination authority and participant's details in specified form.
Copyright © 2019 Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers' Association. All Rights Reserved. |
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