Fighting Censorship on Campus😧🙁
Professors and administrators impose their views on students.
Fighting Censorship of the
View on Campus
Professors and administration impose
their views on students.
Education: Students for Life of America (SFLA) has 1400 affiliated student groups in schools ranging from middle school to law school and medical school. They have trained over 160,000 advocates, had 440,000 online conversations, with 16% of those they speak with changing their minds. (1) But being pro-life on a college campus is |
becoming increasingly difficult. The most commonly reported issue was the destruction, vandalization, or theft of property. Expensive educational display boards were stolen or ruined, fliers were stolen, fetal models had heads ripped off and chalk messages were erased. Administration or student governments denied the establishment of SFLA groups, there have been online bullying and threats, and physical assaults.(1)
The first school year after the reversal of Roe saw a tripling of free speech violations – over 100 cases of pro-life students denied the free expression of their views. 74% of conservative students at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill were concerned that expressing their political views would cause fellow students to have lower opinions of them, and 40% were worried that their grades would be negatively affected. This is at a school that claims “respect for free inquiry and the obligation to cherish a diversity of viewpoints.” Yet the student body president announced that her administration would be sponsoring a “Redirect the Rage” pro-abortion march. Expensive security precautions are required when Kristen Hawkins, SFLA President comes to speak at a campus. (2)
Prayer: Dear Father God, please have mercy on pro-life high school and college students who face discrimination and ridicule on their campuses. Help them to find ways to clearly express the truthful reasoning which supports their view. Please help professors and administrators who are pro-abortion to at least respect the free speech rights of those who disagree. Some individuals who hold power in universities may be overly defensive of the pro-abortion view because of their personal involvement with abortion. Help them to get past their denial, accept the truth, and find forgiveness and healing. |
Action: If you know a student who is pro-life, ask them if they have had trouble expressing that view at their school. Encourage them to be persistent and strong in the face of intimidation. If their school is guilty of silencing free speech, encourage them to contact Students for Life ( or Alliance Defending Freedom ( and consider participating in a lawsuit to correct the injustice. |
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