rosary or other prayers, or a sacrifice offered for that purpose, prayer is the most powerful thing we can do. But there is also something else we can all do. Most people would consider giving to help the poor or to find a cure for a terrible disease. But many in our society are unwilling to admit that abortion is even a problem, so it is up to the pro-life community to support pro-life non-profits.
Pregnancy centers and Sidewalk Advocates work directly with women tempted to abort. Post-abortion ministries such as Rachel’s Vineyard help women find forgiveness and healing – and prevent a cycle of repeat abortions. Heartbeat International sponsors the Option Line and the Abortion Pill Rescue Network. They also help pregnancy centers to become more effective, provide them with resources such as a volunteer training manual, and maintain a data base to help women find the nearest pregnancy center.
Live Action does a great job making educational videos and memes for social media that bring the truth about abortion to those willing to listen. Equal Rights Institute spent years conversing with college students and learned ways to work most effectively to change minds. They now also teach others to do the same. Students for Life organizes and teaches students at all levels to reach young people with the message of life, and mobilizes those students to work in their communities. Pro-Love Ministries provides case management to help women who have exhausted all their local resources and still need help to feel able to continue their pregnancy. Their budget cannot keep up with the demand.