Tip of the Month: Ways to Maximize Your Photo Opportunities on Cruises
Tips on Cruise Vacations: What photographers need to know.
Tips For Getting Better Photos on Cruises |
Here Are Some Suggestions
For Photographers ...
Hi ,
Those beautiful cruise ships are sailing again!
There's no shortage of cruises that are departing this winter from the United States to the Caribbean.
Plus ... a multitude of cruise adventures to sun-drenched islands and countries around the world.
Cruises are a great way to travel. They offer outstanding food, wonderful entertainment and a chance to pack once and visit a lot of places.
But, we photographers want a bit more. We see our vacations through the lenses of our cameras or by snapping pictures on cell phones.
I'd like to share some ideas on ways to add memorable photographic experiences to your vacation cruise.
I hope you find these suggestions helpful!
The Best Camera in the World is the One You
Have With You or Already Own
My preference is to go ashore with the lightest camera I can.
Days of lugging a lot of equipment are behind me. So, I prefer sealed, weatherproof mirrorless cameras like this one from Leica that has a fast 24-75mm f/1.7-2.8 (35mm equivalent) lens
See Nikon's, Canon's, Sony & Olympus sites, too. |
Your Cell Phone
What's cool, from a photographic standpoint, is that cell phones
can be very creative tools because of their wide angle lenses.
I find them particularly useful for shots like these, where I
want enhanced perspective. Cell phones are also
handy for taking dining room shots and the works of
culinary art you'll find at your table.
It's easy order beautiful prints directly from your phone at DaleLabs.photogize.com (for amateur photographers)
Waterproof Cameras
Single-use film cameras from Kodak & Fuji are an excellent choice when you're going to be on a beach, in or on the water in small boats or anywhere that you don't want to put your good camera or phone at risk.
Our lab offers easy, convenient processing of your film. You can
order either high quality scans or prints or both at BestFilmDeveloping.com. Scans are delivered to you via email
with a download link. Prints & negatives go to your home.
We even provide you with a convenient postage-paid mailing label to send your camera(s) to us.
The beauty of cruise vacations is that you can be in a different port almost every day. The only question is how you want to see the new island, city or region you're visiting.
As photographers most of us would like to shoot when, where and as much as we want.
Here are some ways to maximize your photo opportunities and get the most bang-for-your-buck:
1. Get Off the Ship & Wing It!
Going it on your own to beaches and other sights is certainly your least expensive option. You'll find taxi cabs and other transportation as you exit port security.
Doing a little online research before you leave the ship is a smart move.
Consider ordering one of our Photo Books of your onshore adventures when you return home. Learn more
2. Book A Ship Sponsored Tour
- Pros:
These excursions are a "sure thing." They have been vetted by the cruise line. So, you'll have an excellent guide, security and an enjoyable shore experience.
- You're guaranteed to have first priority in exiting the ship at ports of call.
- Ship's excursions tend to be fairly long, giving you three to four hours or more to see the countryside & sights. They may also include lunch where you can sample local delicacies.
- If the tour bus or van is somehow delayed the ship will not leave without you.
- Cons:
- They're expensive -
- Expect to pay anywhere from $50 per person for a short walking tour to several hundred dollars per person for specialty & exotic tours.
- Average costs run from $100 - $175 pp
- Check online with your cruise line for specifics.
- You're constrained as a photographer -
- You'll need to be on or off the bus based on the tour guide's schedule.
- Expect to have to "shoot around" other people if you're in a large group. You also can't wander far from the bus or other guests, which can limit your photography.
- You may end up irritating other people on the tour if you linger to get good shots.
- Tours generally leave very early in the mornings. So, you'll have to arise at 6:00 or 7:00AM and miss a casual breakfast.
Note: The longer ship booked excursions, in my view, are most valuable in big cities or when your ship is docked a distance from a city (which you might experience in Europe.) These excursions can be 8 or more hours.
3. Pre-book A Travel Company Tour
or Directly Online
Photos Courtesy of the Shore Excursions Group at CruisesOnly.com.
They specialize in one-of-a-kind on location experiences.
- Pros:
- You may find some more "adventurous" tours (see photos.)
- The tours have been reasonably vetted for quality.
- Your costs will usually be slightly lower than the same or equivalent excursions from the cruise line.
- Cons:
- These tours are still expensive compared to other options I'll describe.
- There is a
very good chance that your cruise will change its destinations or arrive too late for the pre-booked tours.
- Getting refunds for changes or cancellations may be a hassle. You'll get automatic credits to your account if a ship's excursion gets cancelled. But, you'll need to make arrangements after your cruise to get refunds on travel company tour cancellations.
4. Sign On To A Tour At The Port Exit
- Pros:
- Tour operators may or may not have been vetted by local tourist boards.
- Costs are far less than you'll pay for ship's excursions. Island tours could run from just $30 - $50 per person for a couple hours of sightseeing & visits to local shops.
- Cons:
- No guarantees on the quality of guides or availability at all of your ports.
- The timetable is set by the driver, which can be rough on you as a photographer ... especially if you have a location where you'd like extra shooting time.
- You have to deal with other tourists on your van or tram.
5. Arrange A Personalized Photo Tour
With A Local Cab Driver
This is my favorite way to tour any island.
Cab drivers are generally bright, talkative & savvy. They're full of interesting information about their home islands or countries.
They'll steer you in the right direction for photographs and keep you out of rough neighborhoods.
Best yet, you'll pay less than half of what you would for "organized" tours ... and only a few dollars more than if you were riding around in an open tram.
- Pros:
- Expect to pay $50 - $90 total ... not per person as on regular excursions ... for a short, two hour tour. (My recommended time for an island photo tour.)
- You get to determine how long you stay in each shooting location.
- Taxi drivers will recommend their favorite sights but will go where you ask.
- Cons:
- There are no guarantees on the driver's safety record. You're dealing with an unknown entity.
- Exceeding your negotiated time will cost you extra.
- You're responsible for getting back to your ship on time.
- Tips:
- Always negotiate the specific price you will pay before you get into the taxi. (Then, note the exact time you leave the port.) Be sure to agree on a price you'll pay per hour if the time exceeds what's planned. Always pay at the end of the tour.
- Average Down Your Costs: Try to share the cab with another
photographer or couple ... people who won't be upset if you want to spend extra time at a photo location. (The taxi driver may actually help by finding other passengers.)
- Consider visiting the top-rated locations listed on the ship's tours. Providing they're within the two hour round-trip range you can visit those same spots on your own ... at a far lower cost.
- Be Generous -
- Have small denominations in your pocket ... not wallet ... to give to local people who will offer to guide you at various local sights or sell you their wares. (A few bucks to you is often a meal to local families.)
- Give an additional tip over the negotiated price to the driver if the tour is satisfactory.
Useful Gear To Take Along
Cargo Shorts or Long Pants
When you're onshore the last thing you need is to have "small stuff" ... or your wallet ... fall out of your pockets. You want to be able to secure everything from your ship's pass to loose change. With a combination of snaps & zippers, well-designed clothing can do the trick.
Polarized Sun Glasses Are A Must
Glasses protect your eyes from sun & flying objects. With their polarization they also make it easier to visualize good photo compostions. |
Money Belts
While you're on the ship you can securely store your cash & valuables in the cabin's safe. But, in transit and when touring cities you'll find that an inexpensive money belt is your best protection against pick-pockets.
These belts can be found on Amazon.
How To Get Top Quality Prints
From Your dSLR or Cell Phone
- From Camera Images on Your Mac or PC -
- iPrints.com provides easy ordering for advanced amateurs & pros. Learn more.
- iPrintsPro is our professional site. It has hundreds of photo products, including our photo books, designed for pros and serious amateurs.
- iPrints Classic is designed for consumers & beginners. It offers beautiful prints with no learning curve.
- Order Directly From Your Cell Phone at www.iPrints.com
- Please click here to learn how to order.
- iPrints.com also lets you order from photos on your tablet.
- If You're Shooting Film -
2960 Simms St., Hollywood, FL 33020
(800) 327-1776 • (954) 925-0105
Customer Service Hours:
M - F 10AM - 5PM • Sat. 10AM - 2PM
Film Developing, Printing & Scanning Services: BestFilmDeveloping.com |
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