Talk to Children before the Abortion Industry Does.❗😐
Make sure they hear the truth - many times.
Talk to Children before the Abortion Industry Does
Make sure they hear the truth - many times. |
Education: The book shown on the left,
It’s Perfectly Normal has been used as a sex education tool since 1994, intended for ages 10 and up. It has been updated repeatedly and considered a classic by many. The book encourages early sexual exploration, claiming that all “consensual” activity is a child’s “right”. There are instructions on having “safe” vaginal, oral and anal sex.
Planned Parenthood has online videos showing abortion procedures with the child depicted as a dot or a circle. Speakers in schools present themselves as
experts, putting down parents as old-fashioned or uninformed. Pornography is readily available, appealing to natural curiosity. Images affect the brain and remain in memory, with addiction a serious possibility.
The abortion industry sells abortions. They also sell sex to young people, encouraging the “need” for abortion. Homosexuality and transgender ideology have become more and more accepted. America should be proud of advancing civil rights of minorities, but when the “rights” of LGBTQ individuals mean allowing biological men to access women’s restrooms or compete in women’s sports, or not be denied wedding related services for a same-sex wedding, that is denying the rights of others to appropriate privacy, safety, fair competition, and religious freedom. Many corporations have jumped on the bandwagon of normalizing gay and transgender lifestyles as valid choices.
The voice of the world is loud and parents must give a strong message in the home to counteract it.
Prayer: Dear Father God, please increase the understanding of all Americans that abortion takes the life of an innocent, living child, and that homosexuality is against natural law. Please let the truth be known that attempting to change one’s gender is a denial of how God created them as male or female. is an experimental "treatment" of gender dysphoria, which naturally disappears after puberty in the large majority of children. Please protect individuals who are being persecuted for maintaining their religious convictions by refusing to participate in the celebration of a gay marriage or a transgender transformation. Help the Democratic Party to change their practice of pursuing radical goals to rather support sanctity of life and religious freedom.
Action: If you or your children are parenting, seek out resources to help inform the children about the dangers of pornography (1), your religious beliefs, and to explain the church's position on homosexuality and transgender ideology. (2, 3), Teens struggling with same sex attraction should be supported in their struggle, but helped to understand that everyone is called to chastity, restricting sexual activity to within marriage. |
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