If you have not yet renewed, why don’t you log onto our website right now while I am reminding you about doing it immediately, as Mom or Dad might have urged you during your teens? Simply click on the link above and easily renew with your credit card. If you have been a 2024 member, the renewal cost for 2025 is only $25. You may pick up your 2025 card when you arrive, since that card is required for entry.
As new members join Senior Scholars, they are charged $35. The extra $10 we charge new members covers the cost of printing name badges for them.
If you would prefer to write and mail your check:
Please mail your personal paper check, made out to Senior Scholars at Queens. It should be mailed to our postal box on the Queens University campus. Here is the address:
Senior Scholars at Queens
1900 Selwyn Avenue, MSC 1409
Charlotte, NC 28274